Who doesn’t love a good slideshow?!
Today’s installment is about some oldies but goodies. MSLIDE & VSLIDE have been around for more than 20 years and still provide a ton of value.
In short, MSLIDE (Make Slide) lets you capture an extremely light weight image of your model. This image is stored in an .SLD file that can be viewed in any AutoCAD based application using the VSLIDE (View Slide) command. Not only is the image light weight, it is not persistent. In other words, it will display regardless of what model is currently loaded. After displaying, as much as a small Pan or Zoom will cause it to disappear.
Knowing this, Slides can be used to instantaneously retrieve a view of a model without having access to the actual model file or waiting for it to load. It can be shared with folks outside of your organization and viewed using their AutoCAD without the need of any object enabler. They can even be strung together to create a form of time-lapse visualization using a simple script file.
Check out the video below to see how it works.
If you would like to download the simple script and slides I created during the demo… Click Here