Civil 3D makes it easy to define corridors from an alignment, profile, and assembly. That said, after the initial creation, additional components like surfaces, boundaries, slope patterns and frequencies are almost always added. This process then repeats with each new corridor.
Wouldn’t it be nice if these additional components were treated like “properties” that could be easily copied from one corridor to another? Fortunately, Civil 3D 2022.1 makes this possible with a brand-new feature called “Corridor Templates”.
In today’s installment we’ll use the Corridor Template feature to extract surface definitions, slope patterns, and code set styles from a saved corridor model and apply them to a new (or existing) corridor. As a bonus we’ll also explore the improved “Match Parameters” feature to copy/paste even more properties between corridor models.
If you’re interested, I’ve created a quick video below that walks through everything…
I especially appreciated the in depth discussion of what the corridor is actually trying to do with the various elements and targets. It is useful to see this when something unexpected happens. Thanks
Posted by: Kent Schellinger | 04/27/2022 at 05:45 AM