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Thanks for the guide! I have been using the Transform tab in the Drawing Settings to apply the scale factor there. Is there a reason to use the mapcslibrary method over this one?

Also, what is the best way to get ground info from Civil 3D into Infraworks? It appears that you can't have a custom coordinate system in Infraworks and the scale factors on the Geo Location tab on the Data Sources Configuration seem to do nothing. What I typically end up doing is finding the approximate x & y translation and put that in the offset portion of the Geo Location tab. There has to be a better way.

Alan Gilbert

Hi Steve, sorry for the slow response. I was at Autodesk University all last week. The mapcslibrary workflow is what I use for vector drawing data as the Transform tab in Civil 3D only affects cogo points/survey database/etc (not regular drawing data). I have a link in the description area of this YouTube video where I go into the Transform tab in detail. Also, a custom coord system created using the mapcslibrary can be access in Infraworks. I don't have a link handy, but there are a few videos online showing this workflow.
Hope this helps.

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